Our Best Health Professionals
Dr. Gurudutt
Anesthesist and Critical Care Specialist
Profile Description
Dr. Gurudutt Sharma did his graduation and post-graduation in Anesthesiology from Indira Gandhi Medical College Shimla. He did his senior residency from GMCH sector 32, Chandigarh and PGI, Chandigarh. His areas of interest are obstetric analgesia and pediatric anesthesia. He is specialized in anesthetic management of all types of complicated cases of all specialties including General Surgery, Obs. & Gynae Surgery, Pediatric Surgery, Neuro-Surgery, Cardiovascular Surgery etc. He has vast experience in ventilator & ICU management. Also, he has special interest in pain management.
He regularly attends various national and regional conferences. He has also been associated with ISA Chandigarh branch in organizing various academic activities.
Anesthesia & Pain Management
Medical School:
MBBS – Indira Gandhi Medical College Shimla.
MD Anesthesia – Indira Gandhi Medical College Shimla.
Training & Experience:
Senior Resident – GMCH, Sector- 32, Chandigarh.
Senior Resident – Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research(PGIMER), Chandigarh.